2018 in Review
A year has come to an end, and now is the time to look back.
This year I’ve learned and run a lot, fail some.
1. Coding
I have found new things to learn through all the year, some of them worth mentioning here are:
Things I’ve learned:
Go, then build a chat app
Cryptography, taught by a brilliant teacher
Google Cloud Platform, for work
Apache Airflow & Apache Beam for data ingestion (I should write a blog about these)
Design patterns in Java
Go and Java are two more programming languages that are in my belt now, love to use both of them so far.
Things I’ve dropped:
Operating System class
Computer Vision class
The first one is too hard, the second one is not attracted to me anymore, so I decided to quit early.
Things I am going to learn:
- MOOC: Create a programming course in Vietnamese
As you may know, I’m a self-taught developer, hence it will never be enough for me to learn how to code. But I think it might come the time that I am certified to reteach what I’ve learned to those people who just be like me when I started. Hope I will learn new things along the way, too. techcamp.vn is registered and ready to go live. Stay tuned!
- Microservices: Building microservices in Go and Java
I’ve built many monolith applications and none of microservices, so I will try to build one next year.
2. Running
I love running. This year I completed 2 full marathons, one in Danang and another one in Hanoi. I trained hard for the first one, not too hard for the second, because I found out that Hanoi’s air quality is extremely bad for your health. Now I only go to run when AQI is bad for sensitive people group (!?) or lower.
I don’t have much hope for the improvement of air quality in Hanoi next year, so I may not keep the record up. I really feel bad about this.
3. Reading
I read technical books a lot, I’ve subscribed to Safaribooksonline so I can read as many books as I want. Video tutorials are quite good, too.
Some non-technical books I’ve read this year include “Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind”, “Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future”, and some that I can’t remember.
Next year I will keep track of all non-technical books I read in Goodreads so I will have some things to write in the year end post.
2018 is a satisfied year for me. More chances in 2019 for me to explore. Can’t wait!