Redshift for customer-facing apps
Redshift is an OLAP database from AWS, so for data warehouse purpose, it’s a viable option. The question is, can we use it as an OLTP database for customer-facing applications?
Short answer: No, for generic OLTP use case, and Yes for specific functions, such as analytics or building dashboards. The reasons are, firstly, analytic jobs usually do aggregation on a large chunk of data which would run very slow on row-based OLTP databases, and secondly, analytic features are usually the low traffic parts on the system. Those requirements align very well with Redshift features.
1. Concurrency connections
As of now, Redshift supports up to 50 concurrency connections by default. Although we can get concurrency scaling feature by paying more, we need to keep the query latency in the 1-5 seconds range to be usable. Let’s say we get an average of 1 second per query, then we can serve up to 50 requests per second (RPS), if the analytic APIs only serve 10 RPS, then we’re good to go.
2. Query latency
The catch now is how will we keep our query latency to only seconds, or even better, sub-second? Redshift is very powerful, but for a huge amount of data, it must be tuned correctly for fast queries.
Enter the Redshift’s DIST key and SORT key couple!
Since Redshift is a columnar database and is designed to keep a massive volume, it doesn’t have indexes as normal database, it only has 2 kinds of key for distributing and sorting data into desired locations.
DIST key: for distributing data between compute nodes. It will affect joins and aggregations performance. We should choose a high cardinality column for this key.
SORT key: for sorting data on disk. It will affect your “where” performance. There are 2 types of sort key: COMPOUND and INTERLEAVED, but we can only choose only one of them for the table sort key.
Refer to AWS best practice for designing table here.
3. Benchmark
We’ve done some benchmarks using k6 on our toy APIs that use Redshift ra3.xlplus (4 vCPU, 32 GB RAM, 3 compute nodes) with ~1TB of data in each table, as the main database and the results are as good as promised: if you keep your query latency to 1 second, you get 50 RPS, if it goes down to 500 ms, you get 100 RPS.
The math works out!