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Set NS Record for Cloudflare Domains

You can’t set your NS record for your root domain on Cloudflare dashboard, surprise!

We have to use the Cloudflare API for that. What a hassle!

First thing first, you need an API token. Go to your profile on the dashboard to get it. The key we need is under Global API key label.

Next, list out all your Cloudflare accounts, ideally this API return 1:

curl -X GET "https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/accounts?page=1&per_page=20" \
     -H "X-Auth-Email: user@example.com" \
     -H "X-Auth-Key: c2547eb745079dac9320b638f5e225cf483cc5cfdda41" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Then, change the NS:

curl -X PUT "https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/accounts/your_account_id/registrar/domains/your_domain.com" \
     -H "X-Auth-Email: user@example.com" \
     -H "X-Auth-Key: c2547eb745079dac9320b638f5e225cf483cc5cfdda41" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --data '{"name_servers":["your1.ns.wtf.com","your2.ns.wtf.com"]}'

Keep up the good work Cloudflare! Very creative and user friendly, we love it!

Written on February 13, 2023.