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Setup CORS for S3 and Cloudfront

CORS problem arises in one of our apps because static files return from CloudFront do not allow CORS. Specifically, they do not return following header:

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *

The problem is, we’ve setup CloudFront and S3 to support CORS as mentioned in the docs.

In S3 bucket rules, we have:

        "AllowedHeaders": [
        "AllowedMethods": [
        "AllowedOrigins": [
        "ExposeHeaders": [],
        "MaxAgeSeconds": 20000

In CloudFront, we have:

Cache and origin request settings: Use a cache policy and origin request policy
Cache Policy                     : Managed-CachingOptimized
Origin Request Policy            : Managed-CORS-S3Origin

All looks good, but our problem persists.

Continue following the docs:

How does Amazon S3 evaluate the CORS configuration on a bucket?

When Amazon S3 receives a preflight request from a browser, it evaluates the CORS configuration for the bucket and uses the first CORSRule rule that matches the incoming browser request to enable a cross-origin request. For a rule to match, the following conditions must be met:

The request’s Origin header must match an AllowedOrigin element.

The request method (for example, GET or PUT) or the Access-Control-Request-Method header in case of a preflight OPTIONS request must be one of the AllowedMethod elements.

Every header listed in the request’s Access-Control-Request-Headers header on the preflight request must match an AllowedHeader element.

We inspect the GET request that the browser makes to get the static files and observe that the request header does not include Origin in the first request send to CloudFront, and CloudFront does not send back Access-Control-Allow-Origin header.

After the first request, CloudFront will cache the response header, and even if the browser send the Origin request header next time, it still does not send back Access-Control-Allow-Origin response header.

The solution is quite simple than we thought, we create a new cache policy with Origin be one of the cache keys (the only different one from Managed-CachingOptimized policy), then the problem goes away.

This works fine if the origin number is small as in our case.

There are two other ways:

2, feels a little bit hacky but it might be the best solution.

Written on December 4, 2020.
