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Sort by multiple keys in Golang


We have a list of users:

type User struct {
    Name  string
    Valid bool
    Age   int

listUsers := []User{
        Name:  "A",
        Valid: false,
        Age:   12,
        Name:  "B",
        Valid: true,
        Age:   11,
        Name:  "C",
        Valid: true,
        Age:   10,
        Name:  "D",
        Valid: false,
        Age:   13,

We want to sort by Valid first, then Age in descending order. The solution should be B C D A.

Wrong solution:

sort.Slice(listUsers, func(i, j int) bool {
    if listUsers[i].Valid && !listUsers[j].Valid {
        return true

    return listUsers[i].Age > listUsers[j].Age

This solution returns D B C A.

Right solution:

sort.Slice(listUsers, func(i, j int) bool {
    if listUsers[i].Valid != listUsers[j].Valid {
        return listUsers[i].Valid && !listUsers[j].Valid

    return listUsers[i].Age > listUsers[j].Age

This solution returns B C D A. As expected.

How so?

The wrong one forgot the case when listUsers[i].Valid is false and listUsers[j].Valid is true. It should return false in that case instead of fallback to Age comparision.

Written on August 9, 2022.